Sunday, January 25, 2009

----new room? new life? new things? new me?---

haaaayyyy nahuman naku ug layas sa akong daan nga room, yeah for sure i will miss that room i miss its smell, iyang kangit2x, iyang aroma,akong kabuang gibuhat didto (ako ra ug akong kiddos ang kablo)hahahahh, ug labaw sa tanan i miss my life being with those people i spent my time with.. too sad i need to moved but this decision must lead me to something. I know and it will.. hehehehehe... 2009 is a year with waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh days.. mixed na tanan.. great responsibilities, more work pressures, more pains to suffer, more experience to gain. wheewww! Honestly, I am kinda scared nah this time... scared for almost everything... too sad to admit pero basta fears are coming from here and there... haaaaayyy ambot bah as time goes murag action naman kog kabalaka.. not because im getting older, but because we people are living in a whole damn big world. Murag people are getting busy, about work, love, travel, life and dali rah kaayo gapanglabay ang panahon. hay may nephews are getting older(wala na koy ma baby..hehhehe), my friends, brothers and sisters are getting married( hahahaha im happy for them), my parents are getting old (at least sila pa japun)... life is a battle field man kunoh haaaaaaayyy if dili na kaya i know i will be shot straight sa akong heart... KAYA PEOPLE TERA!!!! though my heart is terribly wounded and broken I will assure you as long as blood continue to circulate sa akong mga veins then I dont have any choice but to live by it....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

just want to......... scream!!!!

hehehhehhehehe writing my thoughts again.... hay naku watta year.... starting palang bang bang naman.. hay naku.. whats next??? maybe a happy trip to a place nga wala pa naku ma adtoan? a party with friends? a weeding to celebrate\?? unsa paman ang sunod?? waaaaaaaaaahhhh i do appreciate life pero im little bit paranoid nah...Its getting me to a scenario which i don't know if a can handle pa....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ano bah!! please lang.. whoa!! hinay2x lang chong one at a time... whoa!!! usahay i wanted to be in the most solemn place nga ako mavisit kay murag whoa saba kaayo ang world. I really appreciate ang mga tao nga deaf and mute at least dili sila ka dunggog and silence lang always kauban nila... whoa! too young to handle everything pero whoa!! bahala na si batman... i will ride all the waves in the ocean kay daghan man gud fish manguha pako.. wahahahahahahha hay naku basta akong new year resolution, no matter how painful the situation is i will manage to smile, mao nah ako regalo sa akong self... whoa!! wahahahhhahahahahahhahahahaha..... bahala nah. tera! tera!tera!

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