Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I can hear the clock saying "tic-tac, tic-tac", I even heard the rain pouring outside my door. The world is in silence and I am still in the midst of cerebration about life... syet saan galing yon...wahahahhaha. The concept that is happening in my life right now is a bolt from the blue, I don't know where I would be headed, but I am bold enough that I will get through this. Every time my phone rings I always felt the butterflies in my stomach. It always gives me idea that it is an employers call that I am waiting or another offer from other companies. Interviews are from one side to another but why I am dying to be part of this one huge company? One thing I know, I will be tough when I'll be part of it. I been to series of interviews 1 hour phone interview, 3 hours technical interview, and 2 hours closing interview and the last phase is the Job offer and contract signing but I am getting tired waiting for the last part, but why can still endure the linger phase? how pathetic I am (is it the proper term?) wahahahahahaha. Everybody keep on asking me "How's your job hunting?", but I tell them " It's ok still searching for the right one", and I manage to smile, sabi nila hindi daw nila makita ang problema sa akin, tinawa ko kasi lahat. hahahahahaha kung alam niyo lang magaling lang akong magtago :) . Life is giving you so much to look forward, thats why I am still here thinking that maybe the blessings are a little bit delayed but I need to imply the simplicity of calmness.

Sorry ito ang mga resulta sa jobless nah graveyard pa... hahahahaha

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