"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
yeah! wheewww watta vacation and birthday nga naa ko this year.. 22 years but i was never been happy like this for my entire life... hahahahhaha let me tell you the detailed story for the 4 days vacation...
1st day may 28,2009- midnight palang my smile is abot hanggang tinga nah coz my close friend pearl nag count down sa akong birthday
2nd day may 29,2009- sabog gikan sa night nga bilar.. hahahaha i just visited my family at home, nakig dula ako mga pamangkins and later sa evening my highschool buddies visited me at home and it was fun spending memories with my old friends. whetwhew taweng is such a funny guy he always rock our world.again it was a happy day..
3rd day may 30,2009- happy bday aisa!!! yeah yeah yeah!!! mowing palang busy ayo me nag grocery for a family day pagkasunday late celebration napud sa akong bday. after lunch i txted jv nga magkita me kay ako hatod akong gift kang aisa but to make the story short wala madayon kay daghan daw cya lakaw and nabadtrip ko... hahahahhaha
but because na badtrip ko niadto ko kang flor kauban naku nga buddhist and nag chikka me until hapon hahahahhaha grabeh nga katawa namo as in... and adto nalang dayon ko kang aisa para personally hatag akong gift with cindy nga ako pud friend way back in high school. So the night of aisa has come and same place loretos among venue... rain is pouring so hard that time and nagpadungang pa akong pus on nga skit pud pero the party must go on.. hehehehe at sometime sa among pag uban walay conversation sa amo ni JV and I'm not used to it, so eventually ako siya duolan and i apologized for what had happen na carried away lang ko and both sides are forgiven already.. hehehehehe and we continue the party..hahhahaah it was fun and we enjoy the night as in. .another year for aisa to cherished and treasure.
4th day may 31,2009- wheeewww family day and late celebration sa akong bday with my family and friends as in lingaw kaayo ang day completo akong mga igsoon except for abby(nasa LA) and cory(missing) nga wala ka join.. may pamangkin enjoyed the pool as in nahaponan gud ug kaligo... wheeeeewwwww myles also got the chance to spend moments with my family and officially accepted na cya.. hehheehe i keep loving him na hinuon everyday.. hahahahahha later this day i realized that I COULD NOT ASK FOR MORE... if my life would end ugma dayon it is all worth it!! grabeh na kaayo ko ka enjoy... unsa pa akong pangitaon i got family( though its not perfect), got lovings friends, naa koy career, naa koy myles... unsa pa akong pwede pangayoon di bah?? i was so lucky i have them in my life...
thanks sa inyo tanan for making me whole.... thanks sa akong family for molding me to be a better person. thanks sa akong friends for being my wings so i can fly high. thanks for my career for giving me so much opportunity to grow up and be responsible, thanks for myles(bf) for making everything worthwhile. love you tanan!!! whahahahaahahha mwah mwah mwah
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