Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm just a lonely girl in this crowded world

If dying will take all my pains away- please take me!
A day is always a torture for me, a day without you seems the most miserable day of my entire life. It's always a long day for me & it's always a tiring day coz you keep running though my mind. I wish I hug him more, for me not to miss him like this. I wish I said enough for him to know I love him so much. I wish I assure him that I was so madly in love with him. I wish I am strong enough to let you go. I wish I am brave enough to face everything. Damn! I love him and it hurts like hell. When will thing ends? Please make it sooner... Please! I'm begging,with head down and on bended knees,please make it soon...


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