Ako ning gipalit nga ring the day I knew wala najud chance ang tanan. The day I break down and cry. Honestly I am wearing it on the left hand where dapat ang wedding and engagement ring mabutang. Why inani akong gibuhat? coz since the day I am using it I told myself nga from that day I will engage myself to life again. No more worries, no more pains, no more hurt feelings, no more heartbreaks. Dili man sa ingon nga dili najud nih naku agian ang tanan pero I will try to live life like nothing happens. I will love life like I never suffered pain. I will indulge myself like it is my last and I will welcome surprises like a daily miracle. And one day I will love once more like it is forever. I will just simply live life like everyday is my last.AKo nalang eenjoy ang tanan kaysa naman mag worry ko always sa akong daily nga circumstances. Though I thought of it as lisod but with all the help of my dear friends and family gakaya baya naku ang tanan. So since now until I saw the man who will live life with me forever I will try to treasure this ring para sa akong commitment sa akong life. Bahala muingon ang mga tao nga engage ko or whatever. bahala nah.... heheheheheeh problema nanah ninyo people... heheheheh basta I love life and I will love this ring... hehehehehe
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