Being broken doesn't mean being weak, it only means that I give everything even I am losing myself. Here I am right now patiently picking up the pieces, but though my heart is totally broken, how can I love him with the small pieces left? I wish I could teach my heart to stop for a while, to stop loving him this much. As days gone by, help me to have strength. Questions keep running through my head, do I have to close my doors? Do I have to weep every night, even I know your not by my side? My aching heart still whisper your name silently, but I will be okay someday. I thought of you a thousand times, but one day pain will subside. I will learn to let go and Old memories will never be played here in my mind. I hope I'll always got a place on earth to live, so that new memories will be cherished and replace the foolishness I made.
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