Monday, December 1, 2008


Dili ko mag blogs sa friendster kay daghan makabasa maong dri lang ko magbuhat.

I just want to to share my life for the couple of months. I'm tired and very exhausted...I got a tough job ( i dunno why naa ko anih)... you have to lead different kind of people... being a leader is such a damn part of being me, you must be strong, courageous, and must be a good listener. Pretending is part of my job also, I need to show that I'm always alright. Damn! i cant cry that often, i can't be weak in front of them and I must be someone who can control almost everything in a situation. Damn! that's too hard! At some point of my life I wanted to give up, and leave everything. But life must move on. Life is to cruel sometimes but the other side of it is such a wonderful place to cherish. I was so lucky i have the responsibility at least i know i am a good employee, I love stress at least i got something to think about. I enjoy my company because I love my job.

.... to be continued i need to go home ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.....


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