Monday, December 22, 2008

grow old... be mature....

wahahay... i never thought i would handle such responsibility.. ingon pa nila nagka dugay nagkalami man ang life.. that's why I'm afraid of commiting in a relationship dili ko ganahan ug resposibility coz sa karon palang nga wala koy partner daghan na kaayo ko responsilbility. This complicated life offers you almost everything, priceless laughter, countless blessings, memories to be cherished, never ending pains and heart breaking situations. Funny to think about it but its reality. I was so stunned by lifes surprises, pero cge lang this is my course my life (spider man)wahahahaha...Unsaon taman nga inana man jud ang life. Sagdi lang tibay nang loob lang man daw katapat anih! ajah! tera! tera!


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